Git for Me

Course Level: Foundation (6 hours)
When working on data analysis projects version control is essential, for tracking project progress and assisting project collaboration. During this course we will show you multiple ways to integrate version control into your project with git. You will gain an understanding of how to use online code sharing websites such as GitHub / GitLab, along with the best practices while doing so.
Book: Git for Me
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No Events Currently Scheduled
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Course Details
- Introduction to Git: What is it and why should we use it?
- Fundamental Git concepts: Forking/cloning repositories, staging, commits, pulling and pushing
- Using the terminal: Applying Git methodology using a command line interface
- Branching: Creating, switching and merging branches
- Good practices: .gitignore file and general good practice techniques
Learning outcomes
Session 1:
By the end of session 1 participants will …
- understand the importance of version control
- be introduced to version control systems like Git and GitHub/GitLab
- understand the purpose of Git and GitHub/GitLab
- be able to fork and clone a repository
- understand the Git workflow such as:
- pulling
- pushing
- committing
- merging
- comfortably be able to use Git with RStudio IDE
Session 2
By the end of session 2 participants will …
- understand Git branching
- comfortably be able to use git in the terminal/unix shell
- create, switch and merge branches with Git
- understand the best practices with Git
This course does not include:
- R programming skills as the course mostly focuses on using git
Prior knowledge
Basic R only.
Attendee Feedback
- “Really looking forward to more advanced course - the presenter was really excellent and it was a master class in keeping students engaged over Zoom over an afternoon”
- “The best things about the course was Interactive exercises, learning how to use the command line to use Git, and getting a chance to talk informally and ask questions to gain more knowledge”
- “I liked the interactive exercises, learning how to use the command line to use Git, and getting a chance to talk to Rhian informally and ask questions to gain more knowledge”