Sparklines in Reactable Tables in Shiny Apps

This is the third blog in a series about the {sparkline} R package for inline data visualisations. You can read the first one about getting started with the package here and the second one about embedding them in HTML tables with the {reactable} package here.
In this blog I am taking it a step further and demonstrating how to use our sparkline reactable table in a Shiny app. Thankfully {reactable} has some helpful functions that make this super easy! I will also look at using a dynamic traffic light image in a reactable table at the end.
Reactable Sparkline Table
I’m going to start where we ended the last blog. The following code creates a {reactable} table using the iris data with a few {sparkline} visualisations in the columns.
data = tibble(
names = c("x", "y", "z"),
values = c(list(rnorm(10)), list(rnorm(10)), list(rnorm(10)))
) |>
mutate(box = NA,
line = NA,
bar = NA)
table = reactable(data,
columns = list(
values = colDef(show = FALSE),
box = colDef(cell = function(value, index) {
sparkline(data$values[[index]], type = "box")
line = colDef(cell = function(value, index) {
sparkline(data$values[[index]], type = "line")
bar = colDef(cell = function(value, index) {
sparkline(data$values[[index]], type = "bar")
Using sparklines in a Shiny App
This is actually made very easy by two {reactable} functions which
follow the traditional Shiny naming. In our
server we’ll need to use renderReactable
(which uses
under the hood), to create our table in
the server. Then in the UI we’ll use reactableOutput
(which uses
) to call our table in the app UI.
To demonstrate this I am using a basic shiny app with a sparkline bullet chart in a reactable table then a screenshot of the result.
# Server
server <- function(input, output) {
output$sparkline_table <- renderReactable({
data = iris |>
group_by(.data$Species) |>
mutate(mean = mean(.data$Sepal.Length),
lower_range = range(.data$Sepal.Length)[1],
upper_range = range(.data$Sepal.Length)[2],
bullet = NA)
iris_table = reactable(
defaultColDef = colDef(show = FALSE),
columns = list(
Species = colDef(show = TRUE),
Sepal.Length = colDef(show = TRUE),
bullet = colDef(
cell = function(value, index) {
type = "bullet")
show = TRUE
# UI
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Hello Sparkline!"),
sidebarPanel = sidebarPanel(
sliderInput(inputId = "rows",
label = "Number of rows:",
min = 1,
max = 50,
value = 30)
mainPanel = mainPanel(
reactableOutput(outputId = "sparkline_table")
Dynamic Image in a Reactable Table
Another thing that you can do with {reactable} is dynamic image columns, to show this I’ve created a traffic light visualisation with 3 levels:
Level 1 (green):
Level 2 (Amber):
Level 3 (Red):
For this example I’m only going to include the code required to create the {reactable} table but following the steps above will work for a shiny app as well, ensuring that the images are available to the app at the path you pass to the table.
The key here is to use a reactable column definition which is a function. This function will take the value and create a html image tag with the path to the correct svg file (png and jpeg will work the same).
data <- tibble(
Value = 1:3,
`Traffic Light` = 1:3
path = "/blog/sparkline-reactable-shiny/images/"
table =
defaultColDef = colDef(align = "center"),
columns = list(`Traffic Light` = colDef(
cell = function(value) {
src = paste0(path, value, ".svg")
image = img(src = src, style = "height: 40px;")
style = "display: inline-block; width: 60px",
In this blog we have looked at embedding sparkline reactable tables into a shiny app and using another type of dynamic image inside a reactable table. This brings me to the end of the series on {sparkline}, with a notable cameo from {reactable} and a bit of {shiny} too. Stay tuned for similar data science blogs.