Our bags are packed, flights are booked, and we’re ready to head stateside for posit::conf(2023). We’re excited to be sponsoring the event this year, as well as presenting a few talks ourselves. You’ll be able to fine Colin, Liam and Rich at the Jumping Rivers exhibition stand for the week, come along, say hello, and get your hands on one of our coveted JR coasters.
The Road to Easier Shiny App Deployments - Liam Kalita
15:00 CDT - Tuesday 19th September
We’re often helping developers to assess, fix and improve their Shiny apps, and often the first thing we do is see if we can deploy the app. If you can’t deploy your Shiny app, it’s a waste of time. If you can deploy it successfully, then at the very least it runs, so we’ve got something to work with. There are a bunch of reasons why apps fail to deploy. They can be easy to fix, like Hardcoded secrets, fonts, or missing libraries. Or they can be intractable and super frustrating to deal with, like manifest mismatches, resource starvation, and missing libraries. At the end of this talk, I want you to know how to identify, investigate and proactively prevent Shiny app deployment failures from happening.
Getting the Most Out of Git - Colin Gillespie
16:00 CDT - Tuesday 19th September
Did you believe that Git will solve all of your data science worries? Instead, you’ve been plunged HEAD~1 first into merging (or is that rebasing?) chaos. Issues are ignored, branches are everywhere, main never works, and no one really knows who owns the repository.
Don’t worry! There are ways to escape this pit of despair. Over the last few years, we’ve worked with many data science teams. During this time, we’ve spotted common patterns and also common pitfalls. While one size does not fit all, there are golden rules that should be followed. At the end of this talk, you’ll understand the processes other data science teams implement to make Git work for them.
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