February Training Update

We have a great selection of online public training courses coming up over the next two months, including a variety of R courses, as well as some more stats-heavy courses on Bayesian Inference! Read on for a taste of what’s in store, or head over to our training page for full details and to book!
Bayesian Inference
Our upcoming courses on Bayesian inference take you from an introduction through to implementing models using Stan with R.
(Introduction to Bayesian Inference)[https://www.jumpingrivers.com/training/course/introduction-bayesian-inference-rstan-monte-carlo/]
Course level: Foundation
Next course date: 20th February 2023
The capturing and quantification of uncertainty is a very important aspect of model-fitting and parameter inference. Bayesian inference represents a fully-probabilistic approach to parameter inference, allowing a practitioner to quantify their uncertainties through probability densities. However, fitting models in a Bayesian framework can be an involved and complicated affair, often necessitating the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms and their programmatic implementation.
Introduction to Bayesian Inference using RStan
Course level: Intermediate
Next course date: 20th-23rd February 2023
Despite the promise of big data, inferences are often limited by its systematic structure. Only by carefully modelling this structure can we take full advantage of the data. Stan is a platform for facilitating this modelling, providing an expressive modelling language to implement state-of-the-art algorithms, to draw subsequent Bayesian inferences.
The course will teach participants how to interface with Stan through R!
If you already have the basics of R down, and want to get a bit more adventurous with it, take a look at some of our more advanced R courses for plotting and data wrangling. We also offer a course on R best practices, so you can make sure your code stands up to the tests of time.
Data visualisation with ggplot2
Course level: Intermediate
Next course date: 6th-7th March 2023
Want to learn how to effectively visualise your data in R using the elegant {ggplot2} package? With {ggplot2} it’s easy to customise everything from plot layouts and themes to scales, colours, and more! This course will comprehensively take you through basic plot types such as bar and line charts as well as cover more advanced topics such as interactive graphics with {plotly}.
R Best Practices
Course level: Intermediate
Next course date: 20th-21st March 2023
So you can write code? Great. But can you write code which is easy to read, simple to maintain, and reproducible? Under the pressure of deadlines even the best of us can fall victim to bad-practices. In this course we motivate the importance of good-practices, and show how we can make best practices second nature by incorporating them into our normal workflow.
Data Wrangling in the Tidyverse
Course level: Foundation
Next course date: 27th-28th March 2023
If you work with data, you probably spend a lot of time cleaning it and wrangling it into the correct shape. This course will show you how you can use R to efficiently clean and wrangle your data into a format that’s ready for analysis. You will learn about the Tidyverse, what tidy data really is, and how to practically achieve it with packages such as {dplyr}, {tidyr}, {lubridate} and {forcats}.