End-to-end testing with shinytest2: Part 3

This is the final part of a series of three blog posts about using the {shinytest2} package to develop automated tests for shiny applications. In the posts we cover
how best to design your test code so that it supports your future work (this post).
By this point in the blog series, we have created a simple shiny application as an R package, added the {shinytest2} testing infrastructure, and have written, ran, broken and fixed a {shinytest2} test case. Here, we will add a new feature to the application. As in real (programming) life, we will add a new test for this feature, and ensure that our old test still passes.
UI-driven end-to-end tests require a bit more code than unit tests. For example, starting the app and navigating around to set up some initial state will require a few lines of code. But these are things you’ll likely need to do in several tests. As you add more and more test cases and these commonalities reveal themselves, it pays to extract out some helper functions and / or classes. By doing so, your tests will look simpler, the behaviour that you are testing will be more explicit, and you’ll have less code to maintain. We’ll show some software designs that may simplify your {shinytest2} code.
This post builds upon the previous posts in the series, but is quite a bit more technical than either of them. In addition to shiny development, you’ll need to know how to define functions in R and for the last section you’ll need to know about object-oriented programming in R (specifically using R6). The ideas in that section may be of interest even if you aren’t fluent with R6 classes yet.
Let’s get started.
The initial application
Our initial shiny application had a text field where the user could
enter their name and a “Greet” button. The source code can be obtained
On clicking the button, a greeting (“Hello
# In ./R/ui.R
ui = function(req) {
textInput("name", "What is your name?"),
actionButton("greet", "Greet"),
# In ./R/server.R
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$greeting = renderText({
paste0("Hello ", isolate(input$name), "!")
For this app we have a single test that checks that the greeting is displayed once the user has entered their name and clicked the “Greet” button.
# ./tests/testthat/test-e2e-greeter_accepts_username.R
test_that("the greeter app updates user's name on clicking the button", {
# GIVEN: the app is open
shiny_app = shinyGreeter::run()
app = shinytest2::AppDriver$new(shiny_app, name = "greeter")
app$set_window_size(width = 1619, height = 970)
# WHEN: the user enters their name and clicks the "Greet" button
app$set_inputs(name = "Jumping Rivers")
# THEN: a greeting is printed to the screen
values = app$expect_values(output = "greeting", screenshot_args = FALSE)
Writing your second test
We’ll add a second bit of functionality to the app first. A simple change, might be to greet the user in Spanish:
# In the UI
# In the server
output$spanish_greeting = renderText({
paste0("Hola ", isolate(input$name), "!")
The first thing to note is that with the change to the app, the first
test still passes. It would have failed had we not restricted our test
to just look at the greeting
variable (for example, if we had used
to make a snapshot of all the variables that are
in-play and to take an image of the app).
We want to add a new test to check the spanish_greeting
as well as the
To add a new test to the app, we could use the {shinytest2} recorder (as in the previous post), or we could just copy and paste the first test, and modify the bits we need to. We’ll do the latter.
# ./tests/testthat/test-e2e-greeter_accepts_username.R
# ... snip ...
test_that("the greeter app prints a Spanish greeting to the user", {
# GIVEN: The app is open
shiny_app = shinyGreeter::run()
app = shinytest2::AppDriver$new(shiny_app, name = "spanish_greeter")
app$set_window_size(width = 1619, height = 970)
# WHEN: the user enters their name and clicks the "Greet" button
app$set_inputs(name = "Jumping Rivers")
# THEN: a Spanish greeting is printed to the screen
values = app$expect_values(output = "spanish_greeting", screenshot_args = FALSE)
Note that we have changed the name
argument to AppDriver$new()
, this
allows us to have multiple test cases in the same script - were the
s for the English- and the Spanish-test both given
, the snapshots would both be written to the same file.
Use functions to simplify and clarify your test code
The new test is almost identical to the previous one we wrote. That kind of duplication should set off alarm bells - more duplication means more maintenance.
In R, the simplest way to reduce code duplication is by writing a function.
Simplify the set-up code
Let’s add a function to get the app into the pre-test state:
initialise_test_app = function(name) {
shiny_app = shinyGreeter::run()
app = shinytest2::AppDriver$new(shiny_app, name = name)
app$set_window_size(width = 1619, height = 970)
With that we can start the test-version of the app using
app = initialise_test_app("greeter")
in the first test and
app = initialise_test_app("spanish_greeter")
in the second. This
removes a few lines of code, and would make it easier to write new
tests, but the main purpose of doing this is to make the test code more
The Spanish test now looks like:
test_that("the greeter app prints a Spanish greeting to the user", {
# GIVEN: The app is open
app = initialise_test_app("spanish_greeter")
# WHEN: the user enters their name and clicks the "Greet" button
app$set_inputs(name = "Jumping Rivers")
# THEN: a Spanish greeting is printed to the screen
values = app$expect_values(output = "spanish_greeting", screenshot_args = FALSE)
Make the user steps more descriptive
What’s actually happening when the following code runs?
app$set_inputs(name = "Jumping Rivers")
First we set the value for the input$name
variable to be “Jumping
Rivers” and then we click on a button that has the HTML identifier
“greet”. These are quite ‘internal’ concerns. What’s really happening is
that the user is entering their username into the app (clicking the
button is part of that process).
This is a really simple app, so it shouldn’t take long to work out what the above code does here. But in more complicated apps, and when testing more complicated workflows, the series of steps that define the user actions can be quite extensive.
Having well-defined functions that are responsible for the different steps in a test workflow is really valuable. With these, your non-coding colleagues will find it easier to follow the connection between what the code is testing and how the test is defined.
Even in this simple setting, it might be beneficial to introduce a function:
enter_username = function(app, username) {
app$set_inputs(name = username)
# return the app object, so that you can pipe together the actions
Then you can rewrite the test steps:
test_that("the greeter app prints a Spanish greeting to the user", {
# GIVEN: The app is open
app = initialise_test_app("spanish_greeter")
# WHEN: the user enters their name and clicks the "Greet" button
enter_username(app, "Jumping Rivers")
# THEN: a Spanish greeting is printed to the screen
values = app$expect_values(output = "spanish_greeting", screenshot_args = FALSE)
Another benefit of introducing functions for commonly repeated parts of
your test actions, relates to refactoring. Suppose the input$name
variable was renamed in the app. With the initial two tests, to
accommodate the change in this variable name we would have had to touch
two different places in the code - one in the English test and one in
the Spanish test. Now we only have to modify a single line in
. A similar issue happens when decomposing apps into
shiny modules (because the HTML identifiers for different elements will
change with the refactoring).
Make your expectations descriptive too …
The snapshot tests used by {shinytest2} are wonderful if you need to compare many values at once, or you need to do visual comparison of the contents of your app. But they can make your test cases a bit opaque. In the above, on entering their username, two welcome messages were printed to the screen. While each test was running, {shinytest2} compared the observed value for a given welcome message to a previously stored value - but that previously stored value is stored a distance from the place where the test is defined. Hiding the expectations away like this may make it hard for a new developer to see why the actions performed in the “WHEN” steps of a test should culminate in the values observed in the “THEN” step.
{shinytest2} provides some additional methods that help extract specific values. With these, you can use the expectation functions from {testthat} much as you would when unit-testing functions in R.
For example, we might rewrite the first test like so:
test_that("the greeter app updates user's name on clicking the button", {
# GIVEN: The app is open
app = initialise_test_app("greeter")
# WHEN: the user enters their name and clicks the "Greet" button
enter_username(app, "Jumping Rivers")
# THEN: a greeting is printed to the screen
message = app$get_value(output = "greeting")
expect_equal(message, "Hello Jumping Rivers!")
The source code for this version of the application can be obtained from github.
The Page Object Model
The functions that were introduced above hid the details of the app away from us. By using these functions, we don’t need to know which HTML element or shiny variable we need to interact with or modify when setting the username.
A pattern called the “Page Object Model”
(POM) takes this idea
of hiding an app’s internal details away from the test author even
further. The POM is common in UI-based end-to-end testing in other
languages. Here, a class is defined that contains methods for
interacting with the app (but does not contain any code to perform test
expectations). The test code calls methods provided by the POM, so that
the test code is more concise and descriptive. A neat way to achieve
this design in R, is by using R6 classes. Here, we might have a class
that has a method for opening the app, and a method enter_username
The AppDriver
class provided by {shinytest2} is an R6 class. It
provides a lot of methods that we used above (expect_values
) for interacting with the app. So by now, you have some
experience of using an R6 object. We can inherit from the AppDriver
class to create a POM that is specific for our app as follows:
GreeterApp = R6::R6Class(
# Alternatively you could pass an AppDriver in at initiation
inherit = shinytest2::AppDriver,
public = list(
width = 1619,
height = 970,
initialize = function(name) {
shiny_app = shinyGreeter::run()
super$initialize(shiny_app, name = name)
self$set_window_size(width = self$width, height = self$height)
enter_username = function(username) {
self$set_inputs(name = username)
With that class in place, we can rewrite our original test as follows:
test_that("the greeter app updates user's name on clicking the button", {
# GIVEN: The app is open
app = GreeterApp$new("greeter")
# WHEN: the user enters their name and clicks the "Greet" button
app$enter_username("Jumping Rivers")
# THEN: a greeting is printed to the screen
message = app$get_value(output = "greeting")
expect_equal(message, "Hello Jumping Rivers!")
Adding all this design work into setting up your tests might seem like a lot of unnecessary work. But, it does make it easier to add new tests, it makes it simpler to keep your tests passing as you refactor your app and it makes your tests easier to follow.
If your tests hinder your ability to add new features to your app, or prevent you from restructuring your app it may be worth restructuring your test code.
The source code for the application in its current form can be obtained from github.
This blog series was a brief introduction to UI-based end-to-end tests for web applications and to the new package {shinytest2}. These kinds of tests are very powerful and with {shinytest2}’s test recorder, they are relatively easy to construct. But, because the whole app is within their scope, these tests can be quite frail and difficult to follow. So if you find that small changes to your app may lead seemingly unconnected tests to fail, or that keeping your tests passing requires you to make very similar changes in multiple places, you may benefit from some of the ideas in this post:
- Can you introduce some functions (or POM methods) to clarify what is happening in each step of your test?
- Can you ensure that the assertion in your test is only comparing data that is directly relevant to that test?
The shinytest2 vignettes (Robust testing, Testing in depth) discuss some of the ideas in this post in more depth, and with a slightly different perspective.